Once the Exam Starts

Post: I have a question in regards to what happens once you start the actual exam.  If you finish the first section of the test, are you able to study for the next section with prep course before taking it?  Or is the prep course deactivated once you start the first section of the actual exam?

Response: Dear Matthew Chisholm,

Thank you for your question. Yes, after completing a section of the exam, you will have access to the full Prep Course to study for the remaining parts. The Prep Course will only be unavailable while you are actually taking a part of the exam and it will be deactivated once you have passed all 4 parts of the CFE Exam.

If you have any additional questions for ACFE staff, please send an email to memberservices@ACFE.com.

Best regards,

Justin Dillon, CFE
ACFE Member Services Assistant Manager