January 2020

TIP #1 - Discover your learning style. We recommend that you start studying soon after you have purchased the CFE Exam Prep Course. Begin the Prep Course by answering a few questions from any section to get a feel for the course. You might have to rediscover your learning style. Since the course automatically tracks your correct and incorrect selections, as well as your strong and weak subject areas, you can study at your own pace to get back into the habit of studying.

TIP #2 -  Avoid distractions. If it has been a while since you've studied, you might find it difficult to concentrate at first. Try to avoid things that might cause a distraction, such as a cellular phone and being in an active environment. Also, take a break every thirty minutes throughout your study sessions. By doing this, you avoid burnout and refresh your mind so it can stay on track when you get back to studying.

TIP #3 - Create notes for challenging areas. This allows you to go back and review those challenging questions in the Prep Course at any time. When you are ready to review your marked questions, please note that the program will only present those questions you have previously marked within the selected main section.

TIP #4 - Stay motivated. Tell yourself that you can do it! Self-motivation is important. Reward yourself with positive thoughts when you complete a section. Think about your values and goals and decide if you are reaching them. Decide on your best learning process for the remaining sections. Believe that you can succeed, and you will.