March 2020

TIP #1 - What is my first step toward studying? Before starting the CFE Exam Prep Course, it is important to set a target date for earning the CFE credential. Although the breadth of information covered in the CFE Exam can be intimidating, you can be certified in as little as ninety days simply by studying during your lunch hour. Create a study plan that fits into your current daily routine, and push yourself to stick with it.

TIP #2 - Answer all questions in the exam. While answering questions in the Prep Course, you must select not only a correct answer but the best answer. Therefore, it is important that you read all of the options and avoid stopping when you come upon one that seems likely. If you are not certain of an answer, then you should guess, but do so methodically. Eliminate the choices you know are incorrect, and then narrow down the choice to one or two alternatives. Once you have done so, compare them and identify how they differ. Finally, make an informed choice.

TIP #3 - Set a timeline to complete the Prep Course. Studying well in advance pays off in the end. The Prep Course includes a timeline to remind you of your goal for completing the CFE Exam. The following video shows you how to set your timeline.

TIP #4 - Be confident! Your confidence will positively affect your CFE Exam performance. Once you are obtaining passing results in your studies, picture yourself passing the exam and becoming a CFE!