September 2020

TIP #1 - Evaluate your study progress. When studying with the CFE Exam Prep Course, you may monitor your detailed progress report as often as you prefer. It allows you to identify topics that are more challenging. Once you have finished studying for the day, simply end your Review Session in the Prep Course software. The Review Session summary will automatically appear (if you have answered at least one question), which will provide your results for the current session. The screen will display the number of questions you answered correctly and incorrectly.

TIP #2 - Maintain a strict study schedule. Start your preparation as soon as you receive your study materials. Create a study schedule and timeline. Have a completion date in mind. Select days of the week where you can block off times for you to study. A schedule will help you stay on track and allow you study effectively as you prepare for the CFE Exam.

TIP #3 - Read each question carefully. Keep in mind that any tiny detail or word can affect the answer of the question. If one word or phrase in the statement is false, then the entire statement is false.

TIP #4 - Self-motivation is important. Reward yourself with positive thoughts when you complete a section. Think about your values and goals and decide if you are reaching them. Decide on your best learning process for the remaining sections. If you believe you can succeed, you will.