November 2022

TIP #1 - Familiarize yourself with the CFE Exam Prep Course. Develop a comfort level with the Prep Course by exploring the different tools and features available. You can use the software to set target dates and measure your progress toward earning your credential. 

TIP#2 - Don’t overthink. When you’re facing multiple-choice questions, resist the tendency to read too much into the questions and answer choices. Read the question once and then think of a good answer without looking at the answer choices. If your answer matches one that’s listed, then select it and move on!

TIP #3 - Recognize alternative approaches to answering different types of questions.

John D. Gill, J.D., CFE, Chief Training Officer, offers advice on how to best answer true/false and multiple-choice questions in the Prep Course.

TIP #4 - Study intensively to strengthen weaknesses. Your memory usually helps recall your strengths, but weaknesses are obviously more challenging. While studying, identify your weak points and focus on expanding your knowledge base in these areas. By doing so, you will have a much better chance of passing the CFE Exam.