June 2022

TIP #1 - Be smart with studying. You need the appropriate place to have uninterrupted study time. When you begin, focus only on one section in the CFE Exam Prep Course and don’t study too much at once. Begin with your strongest area first to develop a comfort level.

TIP #2 - Learn from wrong answers. If you choose an incorrect answer in a Prep Course question and click the Submit Answer button, the answer you chose, along with the correct one, will be displayed on the next screen. If you selected the correct response, it will be highlighted in green. If you selected the incorrect response, it will be highlighted in red. A detailed explanation of the answer will be displayed below the answer options. If you need more information, the corresponding page numbers to the material in the Fraud Examiners Manual are below the explanation, so use all of your resources to better understand the material. It’s okay to be incorrect, but learning from your mistakes is important.

TIP #3 - Set deadlines and give yourself time. We recommend you answer all the questions in the Prep Course correctly at least once. If you answer a question incorrectly, then it will return to the question pool so that you can try again later. Make sure you give yourself time and set deadlines so that you can get through all the material and make this happen.

TIP #4 - Tell yourself that you can do it! Self-motivation is important. Reward yourself with positive thoughts when you complete a section. Think about your values and goals, ensure that you are reaching them, and determine your best learning process for the remaining sections. Believe that you can succeed, and you will.