September 2022

TIP #1 - Study well in advance of taking the CFE Exam. Study every day or as frequently as your schedule allows. You should study each section of the CFE Exam Prep Course with a time budget in mind using these tips:

  • Start studying soon after you purchase the course.

  • Develop and follow a study plan, perhaps starting with the section with which you are most familiar.

  • At the beginning of each study period, do a ten-minute review of the previous period's study material.

TIP #2 - Select a good study place. You need a proper location in which to study. It is important to have uninterrupted study time. Once you begin, focus only on one section of the Prep Course and don’t study too much at once.

TIP #3 - Choose the best answer. Evaluate each answer in a multiple-choice question and eliminate options that you know are incorrect. It may be helpful to treat each answer option as true or false; then you can select the answer that is the best choice. Make sure that you read all the options and don’t stop when you come upon a choice that only seems to be correct.

TIP #4 - Maintain a positive attitude. Commit yourself to meeting the goal of passing the CFE Exam. Stay with it!