October 2021

TIP #1 - Read the detailed explanation carefully. After you answer a question on the CFE Exam Prep Course, read the detailed explanation thoroughly. Do not reread when you are confused about a word or sentence; read on. The next sentence will often clarify the meaning. If you are still confused at the end of a section or paragraph, look up the content the Fraud Examiners Manual for more reference.

TIP #2 - Study intensively. Read slowly enough that you understand the meaning of everything to the best of your ability. You will not automatically know everything, and that’s okay. The Prep Course allows you to learn the content required to pass the exam while practicing in a simulated testing environment. The program will generate questions randomly on all four sections. Make sure that you understand the material well; don't just read through the material.

TIP #3 - Break down complex sentences. The Prep Course consists of true/false and multiple-choice questions. These questions mirror the format of the actual CFE Exam. When answering a true/false question on the Prep Course, simply break down complex sentences into smaller phrases. Each phrase has to be true or the entire sentence is false. Research has shown that statements containing the words all, only, always and because are generally false. Statements containing the words none, generally, and usually are generally true. And, for multiple-choice questions try to answer the question before looking at the answer choices. Remember that a perfect answer might not be given as a choice. Choose the best answer.

TIP #4 Encouragement. Study every day or as frequently as your schedule allows. Accuracy is just as important, if not more so, as speed. You should study each section of the Prep Course with a time budget in mind. Then, as you accomplish these tasks, you will see yourself moving one step closer to realizing the overall goal, succeeding on the CFE Exam.