September 2021

TIP #1 - Study more effectively. When preparing with the CFE Exam Prep Course, you must maximize your energy level. Study your most challenging sections of the Prep Course when you have more energy, which is usually in the early evening. Later in the evening, work on the sections you are most knowledgeable in or the one you enjoy the most. Some applicants put off the tough sections later in the evening, when they are tired, and it is more difficult to concentrate. Reverse that. This alone can help improve your concentration.

TIP #2 - Avoid procrastination. We recommend you start studying soon after you have purchased the Prep Course. Create a schedule for yourself to ensure that you dedicate at least an hour or two a day to studying. Using the Prep Weekly Study Plan (PDF) can assist you in organizing and prioritizing your preparation for the CFE Exam.

TIP #3 - Break down complex sentences. The CFE Exam Prep Course consists of true/false and multiple choice questions. These questions mirror the format of the actual exam. When answering a true and false question on the Prep Course and CFE Exam simply break down complex sentences into smaller phrases. Each phrase has to be true or the entire sentence is false. Research has shown that statements containing the words all, only, always and because are generally false. Statements containing the words none, generally, and usually are generally true. And, for multiple choice questions try to answer the question before looking at the answer choices. Remember that a perfect answer may not be given as a choice. Choose the best answer.

TIP #4 - Be positive. Your attitude has a big impact on the amount of studying that you complete and the effectiveness of your learning process. If you keep saying that you can’t do it and won’t commit to the idea of learning, then studying will become more difficult. Instead, focus on positive outcomes and on how you can use your own individual strengths to achieve them.