August 2021

TIP #1 - Prepare for your studies with the right approach. When you begin studying with the CFE Exam Prep Course, select one of the four main sections and start answering the questions, preferably your strongest section first. When you are first starting out, keep your study session short. This approach will help you develop a level of comfort with the material. As you continue studying, increase the time of your study sessions as you become more comfortable and familiar with the material.

TIP #2 - Narrow down options. While answering questions in the Prep Course it is important that you read all of the options and not stop when you come upon the first answer that seems likely. Eliminate some choices you know are incorrect, and then relate each remaining answer choice back to the question to see if it fits. Narrow down the choices to one or two alternatives, and then compare them and identify how they are different. Finally, make an informed choice. 

TIP #3 - Recognize alternative ways to answer questions. - Read each question carefully. Keep in mind that any tiny detail or word can affect the answer of the question. If one word or phrase in the statement is false, then the entire statement is false.

TIP #4 - Be confident! Your confidence will positively affect your performance on the CFE Exam. Once you are obtaining passing results in your studies, picture yourself passing the CFE Exam and becoming a CFE!