July 2021

TIP #1 - Change up your focus. Train your brain to focus on any existing knowledge you have that will help you as you read. Switching between subjects is a helpful way to learn the materials for your exams and prevent burnout on one topic, so make sure to switch it up before your eyes glaze over! That way, you can keep studying for longer periods of time while maintaining your focus.

TIP #2 - Learn how to identify your challenging areas. Studying with the CFE Exam Prep Course, checking your progress after each study session allows you to identify topics to review in more detail. If you have completed studying for the day, simply end that session of the Prep Course software. The session summary screen will automatically appear (if you have answered at least one question), showing your results of the previous session. The screen will display the number of questions you answered incorrectly and the number of questions you answered correctly answers outweighs the number of questions you answered correctly, then you likely need to dedicate more time studying that topic.

TIP #3 -Be sure that you understand the material. Slowly read through each question so that you understand the meaning of the statement to the best of your ability. If any part of the question is false, then the entire statement is false. However, if part of a statement is true, the entire statement is not necessarily true. Eliminate some choices you know are incorrect, and then relate each remaining answer choice back to the question to see if it fits. Narrow down the choice to one or two alternatives, and then compare them and identify how they are different. Finally, make an informed choice.

TIP 4# - Tell yourself that you can do it! Self-motivation is important. Reward yourself with positive thoughts when you complete a section. Think about your values and goals and decide if you are reaching them. Decide on your best learning process for the remaining sections. Believe that you can succeed, and you will.