June 2019

TIP #1 – Find your learning style. Everyone has a different style of learning. Find your style and develop a study routine that works for you. If you study better in the morning, start early before taking a break at lunchtime. Or, if you're more productive at nighttime, take a longer break earlier in the day so you're ready to settle in come evening.

TIP #2 – Avoid cramming. Begin studying soon after you receive access to your Prep Course. Try not to get overwhelmed. Start with your most knowledgeable section or the one you enjoy the most. Draw up a schedule for yourself to ensure you will dedicate at least an hour or two a day to studying. Using the Prep Course Study Plan can assist you in organizing and prioritizing your preparation for the CFE Exam.

TIP #3 – Understand the different concepts. It is important to have a good understanding of the different concepts, as it assists in your ability to follow the materials. Focus on the explanations that are given for each question in the Review Sessions, as these explain the concepts that the questions are based on. The exam is concept-driven. Please do not attempt to memorize questions and answers; doing this will not help you since the questions in the Prep Course are not the same as the questions on the CFE Exam. Repetition can help you memorize things, but it will not help you gain understanding.

TIP #4 – Recognizing key words can help you answer different types of questions while studying with the Prep Course

May 2019

TIP #1 - Give yourself enough time to study. Be sure you select a target date to complete the CFE Exam. Map out your upcoming months for studying from start to finish. Try not to exceed ninety days for preparation. Line up your exam preparation as a top priority.

TIP #2 - Plan out each exam day. Before starting the CFE Exam Prep Course, it is important to set a target date for earning the CFE credential. Although the breadth of information covered in the CFE Exam can be intimidating, if you create a weekly study plan, you can be certified in as little as ninety days simply by studying during your lunch hour. Decide on a study plan that you can fit into your current daily routine.

TIP #3 - Keep the Pass Guarantee in mind. Be well prepared to qualify for the Money-Back Pass Guarantee.

TIP #4 - Maintain a positive attitude. Commit yourself to meeting your goal of passing the CFE Exam. Stay with it!

April 2019

TIP #1 - Avoid distractions. Picking the right environment to study in is important. Select a location that reduces your chances of becoming distracted. If you’re studying at home, keep your study space clear of clutter. The only materials you should have out are the materials you need for your study session. Some people need peace and quiet while studying, while others prefer soft noise in the background. Pick the study environment that fits your learning style.

TIP #2 - Have realistic study goal. We have all made the mistake of setting study goals that are too unrealistic for our lifestyle, and when those goals are not accomplished, we get discouraged. Start by setting small goals. When you start a session plan to answer twenty questions correctly before you take a five-minute break. After your break, repeat that process once more, and then complete your study session for the day. For your next study session, answer thirty questions correctly before taking a five-minute break. After your break, repeat once more. Begin each study session by increasing the number of questions that you need to answer correctly.

TIP #3 - Set a timeline to complete the Prep Course. Studying well in advance pays off in the end. The Prep Course includes a timeline to remind you of your goal for completing the CFE Exam. The following video shows you how to set your timeline.

TIP #4 - Be confident! Your confidence will positively affect your exam performance. Once you are obtaining passing results in your studies, picture yourself passing the Exam and becoming a CFE!

March 2019


TIP #1 - Fast-track your preparation. First, ask yourself how quickly you want to complete the CFE Exam Prep Course. The key to passing the CFE Exam is managing the study materials or study time. Study every day, or as frequently as your schedule allows. You should study each section of the CFE Exam Prep Course with a time budget in mind. Choose from the options below to determine the formula that suits your needs.

30-Day Plan
60-Day Plan
90-Day Plan

TIP #2 - Group together your difficult questions. If you are having difficulty with a question, mark that question. Marking a question allows you to go back and review it at any time. The program will only present those questions you have previously marked within the selected main section.

TIP #3 - Don't leave a question unanswered. Guess if you are not sure of the answer. If there are four possible answer options, you have a one-in-four chance of getting that question right. If you have ruled out one or two options as wrong, your chances are even higher. But if you do not guess, you have no chance at all. If you guess five times, you might get one or two more right.

Encouragement. When you've finished studying, you should feel like you can approach the CFE Exam with confidence — not necessarily that you will get 100% of the answers correct, but that you have a good understanding of the information.

February 2019

TIP #1 - Avoid looking at the answer first. Many of us look at the answer before looking at the question, and then work toward that answer. When you are preparing for an exam, try not to look at the answers or your notes. Read the question first and narrow down the choices to the most likely answer.

TIP #2 - Create a study station. Make sure you have a work area with enough space to be comfortable in and take materials out. Study in a quiet room with good lighting. Turn off electronic devices, and only play music if it helps you study.

TIP #3 - Learn the general concepts. It is important to have a good understanding of different concepts, as it assists in your ability to follow the materials. The Fraud Examiners Manual is a great resource to use to better understand the concepts.

In this video, ACFE Vice President - Education, John D. Gill, J.D., CFE, offers advice on how to take advantage of the Fraud Examiners Manual, which is included with your CFE Exam Prep Course.

TIP #4 - Be encouraged by your studies. When you've finished studying, you should feel like you can approach the CFE Exam with confidence — not necessarily that you will get 100% of the answers correct, but that you have a good understanding of the information.

January 2019

TIP #1 - Change up your focus. Switching between subjects is a helpful way to learn the materials for your exams and prevent burnout on one topic, so make sure to switch it up before your eyes glaze over! That way, you can keep studying for longer periods of time while maintaining your focus.

TIP #2 - Reach out to your CFE Exam Coach. Often times, reaching out to your coach, can be helpful in receiving additional suggestions on what to study and different ways to prepare for the exam.

TIP #3 - Learn the style of your exam. If it’s multiple choice, you’ll need to know definitions and concepts. Focus on understanding all the concepts presented to you.

TIP #4 - Tell Yourself That You Can Do It! Self-motivation is important. Reward yourself with positive thoughts when you complete a section. Think about your values and goals and decide if you are reaching them. Decide on your best learning process for the remaining sections. Believe that you can succeed, and you will.

December 2018

TIP #1 - Watch for clues. Approach each statement as if it were true and then determine if any part of the statement is false. Just one false part in a statement will make the entire statement false. Negatives, such as "no, not, cannot," can be confusing within the context of a true/false sentence or statement. If at true/false sentence contains a negative, drop the negative word and then read what remains. Determine whether the sentence is true of false. If the sentence (without the negative) is true, then the correct answer would be.

TIP #2 - Give yourself enough time to study. Waiting until the last last minute can cause stress. Find a place without distractions as your private study place. Study in one-hour blocks of time with breaks of about five to ten minutes in between.

TIP #3 - Be careful not to misread the questions. Read the explanation thoroughly. If you are confused about a word or sentence, keep reading. Often, the next part of the explanation will clear things up. If you are still confused at the end of a section or paragraph, stop at that point to re-read the question. You might have simply misread it.

November 2018

TIP #1 - Start studying well in advance. Breaking your studying into segments and review often. 

  • A week or more before the exam, do an initial overview (a two to four hour review of the material); this will help to motivate you and to determine the structure of the course and the volume of the material.

  • Develop and follow a plan for getting yourself through the material, starting if possible, with your most difficult subject.

  • At the beginning of each study period, do a ten minute review of the previous period's material.

TIP # 2 - Take advantage of your high energy level. Study your most challenging section of the CFE Exam Prep Course when you have high energy, which is usually in the early evening. Later in the evening, work on your more knowledgeable sections or the one you enjoy the most. Some might put off the their tougher sections until later in the evening when they become tired and it is more difficult to concentrate. By reversing this process, your concentration can improve.

TIP #3 - Gain understanding. Evaluate each answer against the multiple-choice question. Slowly read through each question so that you understand the meaning of the statement best to your ability. If any part of the question is false, then the entire statement is false. However, if part of a statement is true, the entire statement is not necessarily true.

TIP #4- Be confident! Your confidence will positively affect your performance on the CFE Exam. Once you are obtaining passing results in your studies, picture yourself passing the CFE Exam and becoming a CFE!

October 2018

TIP #1 - Read all options carefully. While answering questions in the CFE Exam Prep Course, it is important that you review all the available options and that you do not stop reading them once you come upon an option that seems likely. If you are uncertain of the answer, be sure to guess; however, eliminate some choices you know are incorrect, and then relate each remaining answer choice back to the question to see if it fits. Narrow down the choice to one or two alternatives, and then compare them and identify how they are different. Finally, make an informed choice.

TIP #2 - Identify challenging areas. Your detailed progress status report allows you to identify topics that are more challenging. Once you have completed studying for the day, simply end the session in the Prep Course software. The session summary will automatically appear (if you have answered at least one question), which will provide your results for the current session. The screen will display the number of questions you attempted and the number you answered correctly.

Tip #3 - The Prep Course is all you need. All of the questions in your CFE Exam are pulled from the question concepts in your Prep Course. Carefully read every word of the question, keeping in mind that the tiniest detail can affect the answer. If one word set or phrase in the statement is false (even if the rest are true) then the entire statement is false and the answer is "false". 

TIP #4 - Recognize key words alternative when answering True/False questions. No additional study materials are needed. However, If you are needing more detailed explanation for a particular question, feel free to refer to the Fraud Examiners Manual. The manual is included with your Prep Course.

Motivation. Tell yourself that you can do it! Self-motivation is important. Reward yourself with positive thoughts when you complete a section. Think about your values and goals and decide if you are reaching them. Decide on your best learning process for the remaining sections. Believe that you can succeed, and you will.

September 2018

TIP #1 - Set a target date for completing the CFE Exam. The key to passing the CFE Exam is effective management of the study materials. Before starting the CFE Exam Prep Course, it is important to set a target date. Begin by choosing a study schedule you can fit into to your current schedule. Based on the suggested study, set a manageable goal for completing the Prep Course and CFE Exam. Please select a timetable to help determine which plan best suits your needs.

TIP #2 - Prepare yourself to take the CFE Exam. Make sure that you are prepared well in advance before taking the CFE Exam so that you can focus all your energy on doing well. Stay on top of the priorities you have set for yourself, and don't let others, or other interests, distract you from achieving your goal of becoming a CFE.

TIP #3 - Guarantee your studies. To qualify for the Money-Back Pass Guarantee, you are required to answer each question at least once. In addition, you must earn a score of 85% or better on all four sections of the Practice Exams.

ACFE Vice President - Education John D. Gill, J.D., CFE, offers advice on how to qualify for the Money-Back Pass Guarantee as you prepare for the CFE Exam.

TIP #4 - Be confident! Your confidence will positively affect your Exam performance. Once you are obtaining passing results in your studies, picture yourself passing the exam and becoming a CFE!

August 2018

TIP #1 - Focus on the question at hand. Understand what you’re being asked before you select an answer. Identify each question in the CFE Exam Prep Course that has one or more correct options. Evaluate each answer in a multiple choice question and eliminate options you know to be incorrect. Treat each option as a true-false question, and choose one that' seems most true to you.

TIP #2 -  Find the main idea in each question. While answering questions in the CFE Exam Prep Course it is important that you read all of the options and not stop reading when you come upon an option that seems to be the likely answer.

TIP #3 - Quiz yourself by taking the practice exams. They are designed to test your knowledge in each of the four sections and simulate the experience of taking the CFE Exam. Each practice exam contain 125 questions from the chosen topical section. 

TIP #4 - Be confident! Your confidence will positively affect your Exam performance. Once you are obtained passing results in the Prep Course, take the exam and picture yourself passing it and becoming a CFE!


July 2018

TIP #1 - Create study strategies. Below are a few strategies you may find helpful.

• Study in chunks: 30-50 minute time periods followed by a brief break 5-10 minutes is the most effective way to study.
• Figure out your most productive times of the day. For example: If you study best in the morning, plan to study your hardest subjects first. If you have trouble concentrating at a certain time, don’t work on your most difficult subjects or more complex projects.
• Rank all four sections: be sure to spend time on your most challenging section every day. 

TIP #2 - Develop a consistent study routine. Determine an appropriate time and place to study each day. Some candidates choose evening hours, while others choose the morning. Pick a time when interruptions are least likely to occur. It may take some trial and error to find a time best suited to you.

TIP #3 - Take study breaks to stay focused. 

TIP #4- It's not necessary to purchase any additional reference books. The Fraud Examiners Manual gives you a detailed explanation of the answer to each study question.


In this video, ACFE Vice President - Education, John D. Gill, J.D., CFE, offers advice on how to take advantage of the Fraud Examiners Manual, which is included with your CFE Exam Prep Course.

June 2018

TIP #1 - Determine your goal. Before starting the CFE Exam Prep Course, it is important to set a target date for earning the CFE credential. Study every day or as frequently as your schedule allows. You should study each section of the CFE Exam Prep Course with a time budget in mind by following the steps below.

• Start studying soon after you purchase the course.
• Develop and follow a plan for getting yourself through this volume of material, starting (if possible) with the section   you are most familiar with.
• At the beginning of each study period, do a  ten minute review of the previous period's material.

TIP #2 - Understand the question.  If there are four possible answer options, you have a one-in-four chance of answering that question correctly. If you have ruled out one or two options as wrong, your chances are even higher but if you are not sure, you should guess. Do not leave any questions unanswered. 

TIP #3 - Create notes for areas you find challenging. This allows you to go back and review those chalening questions at any time. When you are ready to review your marked questions, please note that the program will only present those questions you have previously marked within the selected main section.

In this video, ACFE Vice President - Education, John D. Gill, J.D., CFE, offers advice on how to take advantage of the Fraud Examiners Manual, which is included with your CFE Exam Prep Course.

TIP #4 - Study intensively. If you only casually look at your material, you will only casually remember it. Your memory will always help you to recall your strengths. What you knew yesterday you will know tomorrow for the exam. However, if you don't know it now, you can't expect to recall the information at the exam. Correct your weaknesses now to improve your knowledge base and to improve your chances of passing.



May 2018

TIP #2 - Find the main idea in each question. Look for the main idea and ask yourself, “What concept are we trying to test here?” I can assure you, each question was written to test a specific fact or concept. The most common mistake people make when taking the exam is to overthink the questions. Although the questions can be challenging, they weren’t written to be deliberately tricky. If you find yourself agonizing over the choices for each question, you are spending too much time on it.

TIP #2 - Check your study progress. The Detailed Status Report shows your progress by breaking each section down into subsections and the percentage of correct answers in each subsection. This can be used to determine which sections you need to study further.

TIP #3 -  Don't skim over true/false questions. Carefully read every word of the question, keeping in mind that the tiniest detail can affect the answer. If one word set or phrase in the statement is false (even if the rest are true) then the entire statement is false and the answer is "false". 


ACFE Program Director Bruce Dorris, J.D., CFE, CPA, CVA, offers advice on how to handle questions that may be challenging to you on the CFE Exam Prep Course.

TIP #4 - Motivation. Make sure that you prepare well in advance before taking the CFE Exam so that you can focus all your energy on doing well. Follow up on the priorities you have set for yourself, and don't let others, or other interests, distract you from achieving your goal of becoming a CFE

April 2018

TIP #1 - Answer all questions to the best of your knowledge. You should guess when you are not sure. Why? Because if there are four answer options, you have a one-in-four chance of getting that question right. If you have ruled out one or two options as wrong, your chances are even higher. But if you do not guess, you have no chance at all. If you guess five times, you might get one or two more right.

TIP #2 -  Read each question carefully. While answering questions in the CFE Exam Prep Course, it is important to read all of your options. Don’t stop when you come across an answer that seems likely. Eliminate the choices you know are incorrect, and then relate each remaining answer choice back to the question to see if it fits. Narrow down the choice to one or two alternatives, and then compare them and identify how they differ. Finally, make an informed choice.

TIP #3 - Qualify for the Pass Guarantee. To qualify for the Money-Back Pass Guarantee, you are required to answer each question at least once. In addition, you must earn a score of 85% or better on all four sections of the Practice Exam.

ACFE Vice President - Education John D. Gill, J.D., CFE, offers advice on how to qualify for the Money-Back Pass Guarantee as you prepare for the CFE Exam.

TIP #4 -Study every day or as frequently as your schedule allows. You should study each section of the CFE Exam Prep Course with a time budget in mind. As you reach milestones on your timeline, you will see yourself moving one step closer to realizing the overall goal—succeeding on the CFE Exam.

March 2018

TIP #1 - How do I begin studying with the CFE Exam Prep Course?
First, we recommend you begin the Prep Course by answering all questions in the database correctly at least once. If you incorrectly answer a question, it will return to the question pool and you will be asked it again at a future time.

TIP #2 - What happens if I choose the wrong answer? After you choose an answer in a Prep Course section and click the Submit Answer button, the answer you chose, along with the correct answer, will be displayed in a bar in the middle of the screen. The bar will be green if you answered correctly or red if you answered incorrectly. A detailed explanation of the answer is printed immediately below the colored bar. Below the explanation is the name of the reference material from which the question was taken, along with the page number.

TIP #3 - Evaluate each answer to the multiple choice question. Read through each statement carefully. If any part of the question is false, then the entire statement is false. However, if part of a statement is true, the entire statement is not necessarily true.

TIP #4 - Encouragement. When you've finished studying, you should feel like you can approach the CFE Exam with confidence — not necessarily that you will get 100% of the answers correct, but that you have a good understanding of the information.

February 2018

TIP #1 - Examine your Prep Course progress. The Detailed Status Report shows your progress by breaking each section down into subsections and the percentage of correct answers in each subsection. This can be used to determine which sections you need to study further.


TIP# 2 - Guess when you are not sure. If there are four possible answer options, you have a one-in-four chance of getting that question right. If you have ruled out one or two options as wrong, your chances are even higher. But if you do not guess, you have no chance at all. If you guess five times, you might get one or two more right. 

TIP #3 - Studying well in advance pays off at the end. Set a timeline for yourself. The Prep Course includes a timeline to remind you of your goal for completing the CFE Exam. The following video shows you how to do this.

TIP #4 - Be confident! Your confidence will positively affect your exam performance. Once you are obtaining passing results in your studies, picture yourself passing the exam and becoming a CFE!





January 2018

TIP #1 - Create a study guide. The key to passing the CFE Exam is effective management of the study materials. Before starting the CFE Exam Prep Course, it is important to set a target date. Begin by choosing a study schedule you can fit into to your current schedule. Based on the suggested study times listed below, set a manageable goal for completing the Prep Course and CFE Exam. Please select the timetable to help determine which formula best suits your needs.

TIP #2 - Test Yourself. Practice exams allow you to test yourself. You are able to test your knowledge in each of the four sections and simulate the experience of taking the CFE Exam. Each practice exam will contain 125 questions from the chosen topical section.

TIP #3 -  Refer to the Fraud Examiners Manual as needed. If more detailed explanation is needed, take advantage of the Fraud Examiners Manual, which is included with your CFE Exam Prep Course.


In this video, ACFE Vice President - Education, John D. Gill, J.D., CFE, offers advice on how to take advantage of the Fraud Examiners Manual, which is included with your CFE Exam Prep Course.

TIP #4 - Be Positive. Your attitude has a big impact on the level of study that you get done and the effectiveness of your learning process. If you keep saying that you can’t do it and won’t commit to the idea of learning, attempting to study is only likely to become more difficult. Instead, focus your mind on positive outcomes and on how you can use your own individual strengths to achieve them. 

December 2017

TIP #1 - Avoid Procrastination. We recommend you start studying soon after you have purchased the CFE Exam Prep Course. Draw up a schedule for yourself to ensure you dedicate at least an hour or two a day to studying. Using the Prep Course Study Chart (PDF) can assist you in organizing and prioritizing your preparation for the CFE Exam.

TIP #2 - Pace yourself. When preparing for the CFE Exam Prep Course, you must maximize your energy level. Study your most challenging section of the Prep Course at your high energy times, which are usually in the early evening. Later in the evening, work on your more knowledgeable sections or the one you enjoy the most. Some applicants put off the tough studies until later in the evening, when they become tired, and it is more difficult to concentrate. Reverse that. This alone can help to improve your concentration.

TIP #3 - Qualify for the Money-Back Pass Guarantee. 

ACFE Vice President - Education John D. Gill, J.D., CFE, offers advice on how to qualify for the Money-Back Pass Guarantee as you prepare for the CFE Exam.

TIP #4 - Be confident! Your confidence will positively affect your Exam performance. Once you are obtaining passing results in your studies, picture yourself passing the Exam and becoming a CFE!

November 2017

TIP #1- Studying well in advance pays off at the end. Study every day or as frequently as your schedule allows. You should study each section of the CFE Exam Prep Course with a time budget in mind by following the steps below. 

• Start studying soon after you purchase the course.
• Develop and follow a plan for getting yourself through this volume of material, starting (if possible) with the section you are most familiar with.
• At the beginning of each study period, do a 10-minute review of the previous period's material.

TIP #2- Narrow down options. While answering questions in the CFE Exam Prep Course it is important that you read all of the options and not stop when you come upon one that seems likely. Eliminate some choices you know are incorrect, and then relate each remaining answer choice back to the question to see if it fits. Narrow down the choices to one or two alternatives, and then compare them and identify how they are different. Finally, make an informed choice. 

TIP #3 - Choose the best answer. While answering questions in the CFE Exam Prep Course, you must select not only a correct answer, but also the best answer. It is important that you read all of the options and not stop when you come upon one that seems likely to be correct.


ACFE Vice Program Director Bruce Dorris, J.D., CFE, offers advice on how to handle questions in the CFE Exam Prep Course.

TIP #4 - Maintain a positive attitude. Commit yourself to meeting your goal of passing the CFE Exam. Stay with it!